
Part 1
So many things had been happend but i remained ignorant,that i was totally filled with cavrens from inside .the time when I realised that one day i came out from my room for fresh air , all thing even my way of thinking had changed because of  changing the climate . I felt differ from the room. I met people for some kind of business. In the mean time i saw my reflection in somebody when he asked some questions about myself. I intentionally examined myself in his judgemental mirror , i am not whom who glanced by others. 
Rather I remained a little i had ideated.
I entered my room with this embarrassment to probe , 'what the matter is' why i am hollow from inside, why this emptiness destroying me" 
  • So i went back when entered ! There were teeny tiny little lovly worms they crawled and dragged toward me and clung 
"Oh! They are you?! I ever took care of you!"
I was just well veracious for their attitude.the room was full of these insects. One warm came to me and began to slabber my behaviour the other one began to cling my sympathy they had slabbered my values, virtues and evils. Anyway evils remained a little but virtue, even a hope of virtue slabbered by them.
They became the wormwood for me .
All was my fault because i let them to do so.  
With these thoughts that no body cared of, what they had done with me ....!'
Its all about me but other people saved from them.
But myself had been multreating by those.
My soul was totally pegged out and their next target was my body . Worms crowled and attackad on my body .
I freaked out , 'this is wrong'! 
Actually these all happend when i grumbled that they ate up all my ethics, sympathies,virtue, kindness,softness,happiness ,feeling of guilt .
Part 2

Feelings of sorrow! I decided to remove all these , after thinking about all these things, I screamed with sufference.!

"Why did you end my values?"

Then they started slabbering my body!!!

Because those were worms,and "worm's nature is, slabber for survive "

This act of slabbering , i was suffering from high headache this was becoming a cause of my hypertenstivity . Now i had in great trouble.

Then my heart told me !

"You are doing wrong, let them slabber your believes! This would  be good for your physical health, 

Because when they ll get to slabber your customs and  spirituality , they will not touch your body ! And you will be remain healthy , but if you give them your body ,you cannot survive! You will dead ultimately"

In the mean while a consciences woken up and reproached to heart, " you!!!" 

" how could you speak lavishly when you hurt a little?'but i ! Who have been sleeping ignorantly? And my soul have totally fall of cavrens? But now i woke up ! And i ll not anybody let to do wrong with me any more ! I will make  my ethics again,sympathy will be produced from there. I will creat virtue from these, i will be able to known about evils." Then consciences pinched the heart and said "let us get rid of all these worms and leave the room , we both are affected and i have decided but you (heart) ! Have to make a quick decision," 

(I didn't know that what to do! There was heart who keep bearing all, and on the other hand a rebellion consciences! My conscience was stronger and my heart was bewilder, if I accepted my conscience's offer and leave that room ..., I would be die morally because my customs were associated with the walls of that room ..,
A strange tussle developed between heart and consciences. Heart began to bleed when worm clung to the body then they left the body and slabbered the consciences ..And he(consciousness) kicked them so I stayed in there and increased my ethics but when ethics have been improved,worms started to slabbered my brain !!!
Worms made a track into the body through my brain with licking. But i kept increasing ethics and let my body finished. I was going to die and worms were becoming more healthier and stronger.
At last a day came when I didn't survive 
And dead. 
But what is this???
After so much hardships i had eared my virtue again which i had been seeking my entire life!  
Thats all I earned was finished alonge with my death ??
Nobody was remembering me and my ethics. 
Some people said "her decision was wrong she should be left the room"
Some were said" why she was living there" 
Some were said" she should be crushed all worms"
But if i would do any of these things, my soul, my ethics and I would never ever exist then i would be dead morally 
Part 4
In both cases my death was absolute .
"History remembers virtually through occurrences that has happened, they do not  actually admire one's virtue or evilness at the time of on going circumstances.


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