
Feelings of sorrow! I decided to remove all these , after thinking about all these things, I screamed with sufference.!

"Why did you end my values?"

Then they started slabbering my body!!!

Because those were worms,and "worm's nature is, slabber for survive "

This act of slabbering , i was suffering from high headache this was becoming a cause of my hypertenstivity . Now i had in great trouble.

Then my heart told me !

"You are doing wrong, let them slabber your believes! This would  be good for your physical health, 

Because when they ll get to slabber your customs and  spirituality , they will not touch your body ! And you will be remain healthy , but if you give them your body ,you cannot survive! You will dead ultimately"

In the mean while a consciences woken up and reproached to heart, " you!!!" 

" how could you speak lavishly when you hurt a little?'but i ! Who have been sleeping ignorantly? And my soul have totally fall of cavrens? But now i woke up ! And i ll not anybody let to do wrong with me any more ! I will make  my ethics again,sympathy will be produced from there. I will creat virtue from these, i will be able to known about evils." Then consciences pinched the heart and said "let us get rid of all these worms and leave the room , we both are affected and i have decided but you (heart) ! Have to make a quick decision," 


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