
(I didn't know that what to do! There was heart who keep bearing all, and on the other hand a rebellion consciences! My conscience was stronger and my heart was bewilder, if I accepted my conscience's offer and leave that room ..., I would be die morally because my customs were associated with the walls of that room ..,
A strange tussle developed between heart and consciences. Heart began to bleed when worm clung to the body then they left the body and slabbered the consciences ..And he(consciousness) kicked them so I stayed in there and increased my ethics but when ethics have been improved,worms started to slabbered my brain !!!
Worms made a track into the body through my brain with licking. But i kept increasing ethics and let my body finished. I was going to die and worms were becoming more healthier and stronger.
At last a day came when I didn't survive 
And dead. 
But what is this???
After so much hardships i had eared my virtue again which i had been seeking my entire life!  
Thats all I earned was finished alonge with my death ??
Nobody was remembering me and my ethics. 
Some people said "her decision was wrong she should be left the room"
Some were said" why she was living there" 
Some were said" she should be crushed all worms"
But if i would do any of these things, my soul, my ethics and I would never ever exist then i would be dead morally 


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